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Cilantro Lime Dressing - AHHMAZING!


Sometimes when I make things off the whim and taste how amazing the flavor is I want to dance and sometimes cry lol! No seriously last week I bought cilantro from the grocery store for my Lean Tacos (recipe coming soon) but I forgot to use it! I also had a lonely ginger root waiting to be used, so I decided to make Cilantro Lime Dressing sauce for the fish we will be having tonight!

We all know how blah fish can be, so a bright tangy dressing like this one will definitely make your recipes more exciting. So...lets get to the recipe!

What you need:

1 bunch of cilantro (good for cleansing heavy metals from the body)

2 limes, juiced

1-garlic clove (cancer prevention and natural antibotic)

2 slices of jalapeno

Thumb size of ginger (peel on) (immune boosting, colon cancer prevention, reduces inflammation)

1-tsp raw honey

½ avocado (healthy fat, boost nutition absorption)

Salt and pepper to taste

1-3 tablespoons water

Olive oil


Combine all ingredients except the olive oil into a blender. Be sure cilantro is loosely packed at the bottom. Put the blender top on and start blending on low. Drizzle in olive oil from the top, approximately ¼ cup.

If you need to, take a spatula and push down whatever ingredients may have flown to the side of the container while blending.

Continue blending until smooth, taste the sauce to make sure it is to your liking and then serve.

This Cilantro Lime dressing should be a bright beautiful green when you are finished and will keep in the fridge for 2-3 days. The lime in the mixture will keep the avocado from browning. Make in small batches and put it on everything!



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